Wednesday, December 4, 2013

'Cross Crusade Halloween

Sorry I dropped the ball on the blogular activities back in October, but I'm gonna try to make up for it with some recap posts now.  Let's see where we? Ah, yes. The last race I covered was Heron Lakes, so up next is the 2 day Bend Halloween 'cross extravaganza. Team Metropolis fielded a fairly small contingent, half of whom didn't arrive in time to race on Saturday. I myself had planned to race at least one day, but discovered upon waking on Saturday that I wasn't feeling so hot and bowed out of racing for the weekend. I likewise passed on taking pictures on Saturday, so we'll fast forward to Sunday, which is the costume day anyway.
Sand? Rocks? Sage brush? Must be Bend.
Cross in Bend is a whole different animal than West of the Cascades. The 'Cross Crusaders did a typically stellar job in designing the course, combining loose off camber, thick grassy sections, deep sand, two runups and a purpose built flyover ramp.
Dr. Hymans writing a prescription for dirt.

Crappy picture of the flyover. The Deschutes Brewery is in the background.
Sr. Chilidog blending into the background.
The Gnarwhal passing a convict on the inside.
The nastier of two runups. Really loose sand.

The Great Pumpkin rising from the pumpkin patch? Nope, just a costumed rider at the top of the runup.

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